Tracey Dockree Sustainable Fashion Designer

Tracey Dockree is a Sustainable Fashion Designer based in Truro, Cornwall.

You can read a little about her sustainable fashion brands and ventures below but do feel free to explore more on her blog.

At the Sewing and Design Studio, Tracey designs and creates elegant yet joyful clothes, often using cut offs, remnants and unwanted clothing to reduce textile waste. Below is her first collaborative project with another designer in Cornwall, creating elegant style from lace remnants, beautiful enough for a wedding but also versatile enough to wear as casual wear

At A Story In T Shirts, Tracey’s  bold and exciting illustrations are for those who appreciate great design, quality tshirts and making a difference to the world we live in. The sustainable t shirt company shares profits with projects that rescue, repair and transform the lives of people and the planet

Left to her own devices, Tracey’s designs are original in concept, design and construction, as manifested in her upcycled graduate collection Parade of Giants. The Giants are the seemingly insurmountable issues of slavery, homelessness, prejudice and abuse of those who are deemed outside of normal society. But Tracey believes that we all have the potential to be the heroes of our own and others’ lives and are giants in our own right. On graduating with a First in Fashion Design from Falmouth University, Brighton Fashion Week invited her to show Parade of Giants in their Zeitgeist Fashion Show.

Writing can be a very lonely profession so Tracey set up a writing group for local writers to chat and support each other.  It began as just two people in 2017 and has since grown online to over 300.

In 2019, she set up the Cornwall Writers website to promote creative writing talent in Cornwall and make it easy for readers to find Cornish writers and books. It features both established and new authors – from Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca to writers starting out on their publishing journey.

She set up the Cornwall Writers short story project and collaborated with authors from across Cornwall to publish three anthologies: